Matthew West - Family Tree

Matthew west is an American contemporary Christian musician, singer-songwriter, and actor. He has been active since 1997 and has released five studio albums. Today’s song recommendation is his song “Family tree” from 2010. It’s a song about breaking cycles and putting the past behind you and not letting it define you. It’s a song that really resonates with me and probably a lot of people. We are often burdened by our family wherever it’s intentional or not. And I think that life is stressful enough without struggling with that burden on our shoulders. We’ll make mistakes but those mistakes won’t define us, this is what life should be like, finding our own path instead of being pushed onto one. I don’t know what I want to do with my life, I don’t know what my path is but I’m always being pressured from left and right to hurry up and find it. It’s extremely stressing and anxiety inducing I don’t know why there’s this concept that we need to...