About me
Hello everyone!
I thought i'd like to share some info about myself, so you'll know more about the person who manages the blog.
I'd rather not say my name but I am 19 year old female who really enjoys writing. My passion came from my love of books, I've been reading ever since I could. And the feelings that I got while reading something so beautifully written was something that inspired me to want to write so I could recreate those feelings in someone else.
Other than reading my other hobbies - If you can even call it a hobby - is listening to music. Music is a big part of my everyday life and in way it heals my soul and makes my heart ache with so many emotions (sadness, happiness, joy, empowerment and so many more). And i'm not talking about music that focuses on sex, money and drugs but music that speaks to your soul, music that inspires you to do better, something so achingly beautiful that it bring tears in your eyes.
But hey theres nothing wrong with hearing music about superficial stuff, not everything has to have a deep meaning.
The reason why I made this blog was to recommend songs and to write why I love it. And I do that because I listen to everything and I mean it when I say everything, I listen to every genre in music and every language. For me music is something so beautiful that it transcends language and genre.
I thought that since i'm open to anything that maybe I could influence others to give songs a chance even if it's in another language or a genre they don't normally listen to.
I really hope you give it a chance, who knows maybe you'll find a new favorite artist.
- E.A.
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